8 Hopeful Prayers For Creativity

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Some people think that they are not creative because they are not artists, but creativity is basically just using your imagination. However that looks, that means you can be creative. And, when you are creative, even in the smallest of ways, you are engaging with the image of God within you.

“But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding” ( Jeremiah 10.12, NIV).

As you pray for creativity, allow yourself to be open to how God may answer your prayer. Let God surprise you and encourage you as you step out into drawing upon your imagination that is already present within you.

Each prayer is about a certain situation regarding creativity, and you are welcome to modify the wording, if needed, to fit into your specific scenario. You might also want to take a look at prayers for a business breakthrough, or morning prayers for family and friends.

We’d enjoy hearing from you about your prayer journey. Feel free to share your questions and prayer requests in the comments section at the end of this article.

Short Prayer For Creativity

Dear Lord God, I am coming to you in prayer for a kind of specific request. I am asking You for more creativity in my life. I would like to be more creative in how I handle people and difficult situations. I also want to be more creative in, well, creating things I enjoy. I know you hear my heart on this, even if I can’t put specific words to it. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

a brief prayer for creativity pin Pin

Prayer For A Creative Art Project

Father God, I have an art project due at school soon and I’m stuck. I can’t seem to break something loose in my head to create something. I am praying to You about this because I believe You want me to be able to do my best and live out who You created me to be.

I pray that You will help me think of a project I can do. Help me get out of this brain fog so I can create, which I love to do. I’m not praying for a good grade; I’m praying to be able to create a project.

Help me to live out who I am through this art. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Creativity With A Work Project

Lord Jesus, I need your guidance and help with something I am facing at work. I am part of a team working on a new project and we’re getting to design it from the ground up, so to speak.

I am praying for myself, and for all of the team, to be able to be truly creative with this, so we can make something refreshing that will move the needle on the work we do. Help each of us to power up our imagination and work together on this.

I pray for success of course, but really I want us to work well together and create something useful. I ask this in the power of the Almighty God, Amen.

Prayer For Creativity With A Difficult Relationship

Dear God, I don’t know where to begin with this prayer. I’m going to just keep talking to You, trusting that You will make sense of what I’m praying for.

For the last six months, I have been in an increasingly challenging relationship. The person I’m with works all the time and I’m not exaggerating. They are gone from early in the morning and rarely get home before nine at night. I barely see them during the week.

On the weekends, they are still consumed with work, so even though we’re in the same house together, she isn’t really fully present–she’s working on her computer.

I’ve tried everything I know to make a breakthrough, but I’m stymied, and getting more disappointed each day. I ask You for creativity in this difficult relationship. How can I make this work? I don’t want us to grow apart. I trust that You will guide me in very clear ways. Hear my prayer through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Creativity In My Life

Lord God, I am feeling kind of blah lately, like I’m stuck in some kind of routine and I can’t step out of it. I want to enter into this time of prayer asking for more creativity in my life.

There’s not one specific area really. I just think I could use from more imaginative thinking in every aspect of what I do from day to day. I don’t have to create a work of art or something, but I do need a fresh way of engaging with people and considering my thoughts.

Will You help me be more creative in my daily life, Lord. I hope that You will, for You are the Creator! I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

a prayer for creativity in my life pin Pin

Prayer For Creativity With Christmas Decorating

Lord, this seems like such a frivolous prayer, but I am truly seeking Your direction in this matter. I am asking You for creativity with my Christmas decorating.

Last year was not a very merry Christmas, as our family experienced the death of two family members and a dear friend. It was quite a melancholy time and I didn’t really decorate, or even feel like it.

This year has been a better year, but I’m feeling blocked as I try to imagine what I want to do for Christmas this season. I am very much in the mood for the holidays and so forth, but I can’t seem to get a clear picture of how I want the house to look for Christmas.

Will you help me think in new ways this year, undaunted by the past or by anything else. I want to decorate because it fills me with joy and helps me to celebrate the birth of Christ in a tangible way. I ask for Your help in this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For Creativity in Teaching a Class

God in heaven, I have to teach a class I haven’t taught in awhile and I need some fresh insights on the material. I come to You in prayer, asking for creativity as I prepare for this class, as well as when I actually teach it.

I don’t want to just go over the old outline and lecture notes. I want this topic to come alive for my students, and I need creativity to do it. They are going to need my best on this and I want to give it to them.

Help me to see new ways to present the material. Help me to think of some way to make this very real for each person, as they all have very unique learning styles. I don’t want to just group them all together and hope they “get it.” I want more for them in this class.

I can’t do this on my own, because I’ve tried. I’m blocked. I’m asking for You to fill me with creativity for this class. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Creativity With Home Decor

Lord God, I have just moved into a new place and I want to decorate it so it feels warm and welcoming. I want it to feel like my home, not just someplace I live.

I am praying to You for creativity when it comes to my home’s decor. I have some general ideas but I’m not sure how to put it all together. I am open to You guiding me to someone who is really good at this and receiving their insights.

I know You hear all my prayers and I am thankful that I can come to You with this request. I believe you know my heart is wanting a hospitable home so people who enter get a sense of Your love and grace. I believe that how my home is decorated can be a part of that. I pray this in the name of Jesus, trusting in Your direction, Amen.

Concluding Thoughts

There are many ways to be creative, so don’t limit yourself by thinking that it’s only related to drawing or other artistic pursuits. When you pray about being creative, expect God to answer your prayer. Believe that you can, and will, be creative in your circumstances.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord” ( Colossians 3.23, NIV).

You can be joyful and give thanks to God for your creativity, for you are working for the Lord, as the Apostle Paul reminds us.

I hope these prayers will prove fruitful for you, as you trust God to hear you and answer you. I trust that your creativity will be as unique as you are in God’s eyes. Believe, and keep on praying!

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