5 Christ-Centered Prayers For Good Character

As humans, our character is a mix of good and bad. We are capable of having good and evil characters. However, as Christians, we will begin to desire to have good character. And I’m guessing that is why you are here. 

If you are like me before knowing Christ my character was a mess. From the outside maybe others couldn’t always see it but inwardly I had no problem with fulfilling selfish desires, cheating to look good, and even hurting others to get ahead. 

But once God opened my eyes to the mess I was and my need for Christ to be the Lord of my life, I began to desire to obey God. I desired to love Him, and love others, and desired my character to reflect that change. 

Asking God to help with our character is a good thing if our heart is in the right place. If we want better character so others will like us more, or because it seems like those with good character get more out of life then these are selfish reasons. 

If we desire for God to give us a good character so we can love Him and love others better then we are praying with the right kind of heart. A heart that desires to make much of Christ and less of self. 

As Christians, we are not left to figure out what type of character will honor God. In fact, in His grace, He gave us His word and it is good to help us grow in Christian Character. 

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV)

I hope these prayers help you focus on God, draw you near to His word, and allow you to trust the only one that can help you to grow in your character. 

If you do not believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior can I encourage you to figure that out first? Trying to get good character out of your own efforts will be fruitless. It will only lead to disappointment, failure, and ultimately an eternity apart from God. Perhaps start reading Romans 5, 1 Peter 1, or Ephesians 1 to see what God has to say about you. 

We invite you to also share your comments and prayer requests down below, at the end of this article.

Short Prayer For Good Character

To you oh Lord, I lift up my prayer, for I trust in you. Please teach me your path so that I can grow to be more like Christ every day. You are my salvation. 

Help me to wait patiently for you as my character grows. When I fail help me to think of your mercy and your steadfast love. For you are good and upright. I want to be more like you. 

As I strive to have good character help me to not do it out of selfish gain but rather out of a healthy fear for you. You have called me as your child to a higher standard and I long to obey your word. Please answer my prayer. In Christ’s name, Amen. 

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Long Prayer For Good Character

God, I desire to have good character because I see that it can honor you. 

I pray that you bring in older, wiser Christians that can help me grow to be more like Christ. 

Jesus, in the Lord’s Prayer you teach that we can pray 

And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13 ESV)

So I boldly pray this. Please do not lead me into temptation, even before my day begins I ask that you keep me out of temptation so that my character will not be harmed.

God, I ask that you help me get into your word more. Help me to see who you say I am and give me knowledge of what you have called me to do. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit to help me grow. 

Father, you have instructed us in your word to not neglect meeting together, so I pray that you help me make going to church a priority. I know it’s there that my good character is reinforced and encouraged by my Christian community. 

God, help me to always remember that I never want good character to promote myself or advance my agendas but for your glory. I want to live with good character because I want to live more like Christ. I want to be obedient to your calling because you have so richly blessed me through the redemptive work of Christ on the cross. 

I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Good Character To Flow From My Heart

God, I know that my character comes from what is inside of me, so I want my good character to come from my heart. 

But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. (Matthew 15:18-19 ESV)

Father I truly want to have good character, not just look like it from the outside. I want to be totally changed from the inside out. I know that I can only be changed by your power. So I surrender my life to you. Please help me to be made new. I no longer want my heart to be full of evil but rather I want you to redeem me. 

God, thank you for sending your son to die for my sin. Thank you for allowing me to be able to grow to be more like you through the Holy Spirit’s work in my life. I desire to have a good character from the inside out. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Good Character Under Pressure

God, I see how often my good character crumbles in the face of peer pressure, worldly expectations, or pressure from my own pride. I ask for your forgiveness now and ask that you help me. 

God, I want to keep good character even when I’m under pressure from this world. I am so easily tempted to take the easy way out. Help me to stand firm and lay a foundation for me to walk on. 

Father, when I’m struggling to have good character because I have been hurt please help me to forgive. Forgiveness is costly and is not fun but you call me to forgive others and I know this will prove to be a good character. Please help me to have good pressure even under pressure. 

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Prayer Of Praise For Good Character

God, you are the giver of all good gifts and I know that whatever good character I have is from you. Thank you for allowing me to be adopted into your family and giving me the Holy Spirit to help me grow in good character. 

God, you are an awesome God. You have forgiven me so many times when my chapter fails and you continue to extend your mercy on me so I may grow in good character. 

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2 ESV)

Father, I pray you will continue to help me grow in good character. Continue to transform me as I renew my mind in your word. Lord, when there are times when you need to test me help me to stand strong with what you have called good.

I love you Lord, and so thankful I can come boldly to your asking for you to help me grow. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

We are glad that you have a desire to pray for good character, it reveals that God is working in your life. Asking God to help with our character is a good thing if our heart is in the right place. He is the only one that has the power to give us good character.

If we try to create good character by ourselves we will always fall short. But we can trust that God will complete good work in us, so we must continue to pray for good character. 

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  (Philippians 1:6 ESV)

I hope these prayers have helped you focus on God as you grow in your character. We would love to pray with you as you seek to grow in good character. Please comment below on how we can pray for you in this area. 

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