8 Supportive Prayers For Wedding Preparation And Planning

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Preparing for a wedding can bring so many emotions. It can leave you exhausted and excited all at the same time. 

From the moment I said yes to my husband’s proposal to our wedding date we had less than three months to plan. Young and in love we went straight to work. I wish I could tell you I prayed through all the decisions and my heart was focused on glorifying God with each decision, but all I was thinking about was being in love. 

Looking back I wish I had some guidance on how to pray during this time, and I hope I can offer that through these prayers. 

I do know however that I had family and friends that were praying for me and the wedding preparations and plans during this time. So I wanted to also include prayers for friends and family to pray as the preparations are underway. 

Many times even with our best efforts, plans, and preparations things don’t always go as we expect. For me it was 3 feet of snow that fell from the sky the day before our wedding, talk about unexpected. I want to include prayers here that will help you focus on God, even when the preparations feel out of control. 

This is such an exciting time and we would love to come alongside you as you pray for the wedding preparation that is underway. Please comment below so we know how to be praying for you. 

Short Prayer For Wedding Preparations

Dear Heavenly Father, you are such a great God. You have planned from the beginning of the world to love us and to have a way where we can be in a relationship with you. Thank you for making me in your image and allowing me to plan and prepare for different seasons in my life. 

God, I ask right now that you help me plan and prepare for this wedding. I ask that you help it be honoring to you. When I’m tempted to stress out or complain help me instead to turn to you. 

Thank you for this wedding and for all you have provided to make this a possibility. I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Praying For Wedding Preparations

Blessed be the Lord, my rock, you have helped with all the wedding preparations and have moved all the hands to make this wedding come together. I praise you for your steadfast love for this couple and all who are involved in the wedding preparations. 

O Lord, you don’t need to concern yourself over the little things but you do, because you care so deeply about us. Even though our lives are like a breath, and this day will soon come and go the preparations are important. 

You have instituted marriage from the very beginning. Throughout scripture you have revealed to us the importance of marriage. It is more than just beautiful feelings and enjoying life together, it is a beautiful metaphor for Christ and the church. 

So as we prepare for this wedding we also want to honor you. We want each decision to be guided by your wisdom. When the preparations get hard or stressful I pray that you give everyone involved your love and patients so that we may continue to share your love. 

God, I thank you for your hand being over all the preparation so far. I pray that we continue to seek you as we prepare and choose to honor you in all that we do. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For The Wedding Planner

God, I pray for the wedding planner. I thank you for people like my wedding planner who you have gifted in such a way to be organized and creative. 

I pray that you give my wedding planner strength and wisdom as they make plans for this wedding. Help them to see our hopes clearly so that the planning will go smoothly. I pray for clear communication throughout this process. 

God, I pray for my wedding planner’s faith. I pray that even an event like this will draw her to be closer to you. I pray that if she does not know you as her Lord and Savior that she would see in my life and my family’s life the freedom and love that can only come from you. 

I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For The Cake Maker

Heavenly Father you have created all things, and I thank you for the sweet things you have created. I pray for my cake maker today. I pray that you give her origination, strength and patience as she makes our wedding cake

God, if things go wrong, big or small, I ask that you help the baker to have wisdom on how to correct and improvise. I pray that you give her a calm spirit to be able to finish the cake well and on time. 

God, I pray for the cake maker’s faith. I pray that even an event like this will draw her to be closer to you. I pray that if she does not know you and has not been redeemed from the bondage of her sins that she would see your love as we prepare for this wedding. 

I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Praying For The Florist

God, you have created beautiful flowers and I am so thankful that I can use them to help celebrate this marriage. I pray for the florist right now and ask you to continue to give her the vision and strength she needs to finish the process. 

God, thank you for giving people different gifts to be able to help prepare for this wedding. I pray that you continue to give the florist confidence that you have given her the skills and experience she needs to finish the preparations for the wedding flowers. 

God, I pray that this florist would be reminded of your love when working with flowers. You have clothed these flowers and you continue to always provide for us. 

And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, (Matthew 6:28 ESV)

Thank you, God, that I can come to you and pray for things like this as we prepare for our wedding. Help us to not be anxious about anything, and help the florist to remain calm as she prepares. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Praying For The Pastor As He Prepares

God, I pray for the Pastor as he prepares for the wedding. I pray that you give him the words that will help this day honor you. 

God, I thank you so much for the example of commitment and covenant love we see through marriage. I pray that the pastor is able to bring your truth and the Gospel in a fresh way so that all those who have come to celebrate with us, will know your love. 

God, I pray that this pastor will be honest with the bride and groom as he prepares them through pre-marital counseling. I pray that this would be a time of growth and allows everyone to grow closer to you through this process. 

Lord, I thank you for our pastors, especially as they prepare for the wedding. They are important people in our lives as they lead us into a deeper relationship with you. Help them to know today how valued they are. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For The Bride’s Heart As She Prepares

God, I pray for the bride as she prepares for this wedding. I pray that she prepares by coming to you. 

In her worries, I pray that she comes to you. 

As she celebrates, I pray she celebrates with you. 

When she is tired, I pray she rests in you. 

Help her to turn to you in all that she does as she prepares for the wedding. 

Prayer For The Groom’s Heart As He Prepares

Heavenly Father, I pray that you be with the groom as he prepares for the wedding. I ask that you prepare his heart to lead his wife well, not only on this wedding day but throughout their marriage. 

I pray that he recognizes his role to love his wife well and help her to grow to be more Christ-like. I pray that when he is tempted to not lead that you give him the strength and boldness to choose you over everything else.

I pray that you protect his heart as he prepares for this next season in his life. Help him prepare for the wedding and help him to honor you throughout this process. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

There are many things to pray about when you are preparing to get married. There are many things that all have to work together and work in perfect timing to make an amazing wedding. 

However, we get to lay all our worries at Christ’s feet, knowing He is in control. We get to rest in the comfort of our Savior. 


Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2 NIV)

I hope these prayers help you begin to turn any concerns over to God as you prepare for a wedding. 

We would love to continue to pray with you as you prepare for a wedding. Please leave prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

6 thoughts on “8 Supportive Prayers For Wedding Preparation And Planning”

  1. Catherine Diza

    I want to pray for my fiancé that he finds it in his heart to agree to a wedding date so we can start planning. We want the wedding in October and it three months away. I hope we can agree to a date soon. I have so much anxiety.. Thank you for sharing your inspirational prayers.

  2. Hey Amanda

    My name is Johannes , been few days unable to pray due to anxiety and stress to be honest. My wedding is two month please help me pray for me and my wife to be , both from our family’s there has never been marriage and the ememy has been throwing everything he can by lack of finances but we stand on the word of the lord .

    Please join me in faith prayer for financial brakethrough of the success of this holy marriage.

    Bless you

  3. My wedding is in November, till now, we still don’t have enough to finance the wedding. I pray for divine help from God as we continue to plan in Jesus name… Amen

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