8 Uplifting Prayers For Tuesday

It’s Tuesday and we are glad you are here seeking a new refreshing way to pray for this day.

There is nothing specifically special about Tuesdays but perhaps you feel called to pray today and don’t know what to pray. The Holy Spirit will guide you and even pray for you.

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:26-27 ESV)

Or maybe you are trying to pray more specifically. Either way, we are glad you are here and hope that these prayers encourage you to pray in a fresh way.

As I thought about prayers for Tuesday I was reminded of the Tuesday of Holy Week.

Jesus was approaching Jerusalem and saw the city. He cried over the people who would eventually kill him. It’s amazing to stop and think of how magnificent His love for people is, even people who reject him.

And when he drew near and saw the city, he wept over it,  saying, “Would that you, even you, had known on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. (Luke 19:41-42 ESV)

We are just like the unbelieving and rebellious Jerusalem. We are powerless, selfish sinners. But God, sent His son to save us.

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—(Ephesians 2:4-5 ESV)

We were dead, and could not do anything to save ourselves. But through Christ God made us alive! Christ died for us, the ungodly. This was God’s love for us!

For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die—  but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6-8 ESV)

Now that we are saved and have made new, it is our desire to live fully for God. Our Gracious Father has given us peace, He has opened our eyes, and He has forgiven our sins.

We now long for the day when we will be with Him for eternity but until that day comes we live for Him. We trust in his promises. We grow in His likeness. We even get to enjoy a relationship with Him even while we are on Earth through prayer and reading His word.

So on this Tuesday our hope is that you remember the Gospel. That you dwell on this truth as you pray to our Mighty God.

Short Prayer For Tuesday

Dear Heavenly Father, today on this Tuesday I remember your greatness. You are holy and set apart. You are like no other god. You keep your promises, you are a firm foundation, and you will never leave me.

Lord, when I am exhausted by everything Tuesday brings will you please help me remember that we live in a fallen world but you are coming soon. In that, we have great hope!

God, I pray that you supply everything I need for today. Tuesdays are near the start of my work week. Thank you for giving me routine and work.

God, when I’m tempted to live for myself today. When I’m tempted to think about how I am in control or when I begin to think about the security I feel I have created, please help me to refocus. Help me to remember that you are God, over everything, even my Tuesdays.

I pray this in your almighty name, Amen.

a brief prayer for Tuesday pinPin

Morning Prayer And Blessings For Tuesday

Good Morning God, it’s good because you are good. On this Tuesday morning, I’m reminded to seek you first. So I fall on my knees now in surrender of you. I give this day to you.

God, please allow my thoughts this morning to be clear of distraction so I can enjoy the time I spend with you. I want to be intentional each morning to get into your word and experience your steadfast love.

Heavenly Father, you are so good to fill me each day with a love that never leaves me.

Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. (Psalm 90:14 ESV)

Lord, as I study your word please give me clarity of mind. Help me to understand what I am reading. Please allow me the patience to study the parts of scripture I don’t understand and help me to apply it to my life in a way that impacts the world for you.

Lord, thank you for the Good News we have in Christ. Help me to dwell on the Gospel throughout my day. Help me to cling to the hope of the future and to praise you this entire Tuesday.

Most Gracious God, I praise you for giving me the ability to know you. It is far more than anything I deserve. Thank you for this morning, Amen.

Afternoon Prayer For Tuesday

Heavenly Father, I come to you on my Tuesday lunch break to give thanks for this food. You have provided me with a job, and a willing body so that I may earn money to buy this food. This food that you created.

God, I praise you for the sun that gives life to plants. For creating the ground in which my food can grow. I am in awe of how plants and animals, that we eat, have such a complex reproduction process. You are in control of all of this, and I am benefitting now from your good work.

Thank you, Lord, for the people that made this meal possible. The workers on the farm, the grocery store workers, and the drivers who deliver. I’m thankful for the individual that has worked with food and studied it to know what goes together well to make this food so tasty. God, I praise you for the scientists that know what foods I should eat each day to remain healthy.

God, you are the creator of all things. I thank you for everything you created for this meal but also for the things I don’t see or understand.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. (Colossians 1:16 ESV)

God, this verse is so powerful because it reminds me that Jesus was the agent of creation through whom God made the heaven and the earth. Jesus, how beautiful it is to see that you have always been and have always been the goal of creation, it was created through you and for you.

So it seems fitting now that I stop before I eat in awe of your great and mighty sovereignty over all things. That even this small Tuesday lunch I’m about to eat points me to the amazing Gospel message, that you had a plan all along to redeem a people to yourself.

God, thank you so much for this meal. You are so good. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Dinner Prayer For Tuesday

God, I thank you for my family as I sit down to eat my Tuesday dinner. Families are such a precious thing that you have created.

God, I pray that you help me to manage my household well. That you help me to care for each member of my family in a way that honors you. Help me to love and respect my spouse. Give me the strength to disciple and discipline my children so that they may know you more. 

Father, I thank you for my church family. Give me confidence to serve in the area you have given me the gifts to serve in. Fill me with your love so that I may love others well. In everything I do, I want to serve you.

You have blessed me so much with my family. The relationships I have with them bring me so much joy.

Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. (Psalm 128:3 ESV)

These promises of a blessed home come because you have allowed me to be part of your family, God. I continue to see that as my family and I walk in your ways and fear you, we are blessed. You allow our family to experience the fruits of our labor.

Thank you for the dinner I get to eat this Tuesday with my family.  Please positively be working in their lives. My family needs your goodness, love, and joy. I praise you for all you have given me through them. I pray this prayer through Jesus, our Redeemer, Amen. I praise you for all you have given me through them.

Bedtime Prayer For Tuesday

As I lay my head down on the pillow, this Tuesday evening, I am reminded of all your provisions today. I praise you for your sovereignty and goodness to me. I can lie here in peace because of who you are.

In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8 ESV)

Lord, you know that sometimes my mind seems to be extra active when I lay down to sleep. I think of the day’s activities, the worries of tomorrow, and even pointless things. I pray that you quiet my mind tonight. Help me to simply lay all my burdens on you and trust you for tomorrow.

You, God, are my shepherd and I have no needs besides you. Help me on this Tuesday night to lie down in your wealth of provision. Thank you for restoring me each night with this sleep. I pray that as I rise in the morning that I live in the paths you have called me to.

Forgive me for the moments in my day when I rebelled against you. For the times I chose selfishly instead of the paths you have called me to. As we live in this fallen world help me to not fear the evil one because you have already defeated him.

I look forward to the tomorrow knowing I will be walking with you and all your goodness and mercy will be with me. Help me now to rest. I pray all of this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Prayer For My Family On Tuesday

Heavenly Father, I want to pray for my family. In the middle of the week, we can be stuck in a routine, but I want to stop on this Tuesday and pray specifically for each member of my family. 

God, I pray for my parents. Help me to honor them. This has looked different for each stage of my life, but I ask that you help me to honor them in my current stage in life.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. (Exodus 20:12 ESV)

I pray that my parents will know you well. That they will continue to grow in their relationship with you and never feel like they can not grow anymore. Help them to continue to experience your steadfast love and calling in their lives. Give them strength until you call them home to live for you.

God, I pray that you help me to love my spouse well. I pray that my spouse will surrender to you more fully today. Help my spouse to see that the greatest treasure is in you alone.

Father, I pray for my children today. They are such a gift and I know they come from you. Give your grace to each of my children. Open their eyes so that they may see that you are Lord. Allow them to surrender their lives to you and to live a life that honors you.

For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, (Ephesians 3:14-15 ESV)

Gracious King, on this Tuesday I bow to you. You have given me my family and we would be nothing apart from you. I pray for my family in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

a prayer for my family on Tuesday pinPin

Prayer For My Co-Workers On Tuesday

God, I pray this Tuesday for my co-workers. Thank you that I have a job and that I get to interact with others. I pray that I will be a light today for your Kingdom purposes.

God, you know that my workplace is full of sinful co-workers, including myself.  I pray especially for the relationships that I work with. God, will you help us not become prideful but we would work in humility as we work together?

Father, for those co-workers that I struggle with please allow me to reconcile the relationship today before any more of the week passes by. Help me to see that your plan for our relationship is better than any grudge I want to hang on to.

God, I pray that my co-workers will know you. That they will be able to see and understand that there is no partiality in your Kingdom but your gift of salvation is for all those who fear him and do what is acceptable to him.

Gracious Father, help them to see the power and beauty of Jesus’ life. From the moment He was baptized throughout his ministry on Earth, people were in awe of His authority and power.

Open my co-worker’s eyes to see the reality of his crucification. Jesus was really a man who was placed on the cross, God raised him to life, and He appeared to many who believed. Help my co-workers to understand that it is this truth that can free them of their sins.

Help my co-workers today to ask questions. Holy Spirit I ask that you give me the right words to speak truth into their lives. God, I pray that you open their eyes and give them the gift of your grace, this Tuesday and every day.

God, for those co-workers that think they are Christians but there is no fruit in their lives. Give them the strength and confidence to repent of their sins, trust in the Gospel, and live a life knowing you are Lord.

These co-workers still have a sense that they must work harder and please you more to enter your kingdom. Help them to understand your true message that their ability to be saved is only because of Christ and His death was fully sufficient. There is nothing they can do to save themselves.

God, I pray you give me confidence today to speak boldly. To help me to love you well. That you open the eyes of my co-workers. I pray this on this Tuesday in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For My Pastor On Tuesday

Lord, you know my pastor and his love for you and preaching your word. I thank you for his life’s dedication to you and the joy he brings as he preaches to us each week.

I know that many pastors take a break on Monday after preaching on Sunday. So today, Tuesday, I pray for my pastor as he begins to study your word again in preparation for next weekend.

Lord, I pray that you give him a clear mind as he begins his studies. Help him not to be distracted by the things of this world but to focus on your Word.

God, I pray that you give my pastor an understanding of what he is studying. Help him to be diligent in his studies and be able to put all his mind’s strength into preparing your word for our church to hear.

Father, will you protect him from the temptations of this world? After caring for our congregation so well I’m sure he can be tempted to use his own strength to fix things. Instead, Lord will you give him the guidance and strength that you are in control?

God, thank you for the pastor you have in my life. He is truly someone who seeks after you. You have given him a love that only can come from you. He truly desires to teach his congregants to know you and understand your word better.

“‘And I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. (Jeremiah 3:15 ESV)

God, protect my pastor this Tuesday and draw him closer to you each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thankful Prayer For Tuesday

Dear God, thank you for this new Tuesday morning. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue with the work that you have given me to do.

I am grateful for the people I will meet with today and for the opportunity to build relationships with them. My heart is filled with gratitude for the opportunities I will have to share your love with others. Maybe it’s in a kind word or a helpful action, but let me be an instrument of your grace today.

Help me to be kind and compassionate to everyone I meet today. My hope is to be a good listener and to be supportive of others in their needs. I want to be able to share your love with others in a way that is genuine and authentic. I pray all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.


“Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and proclaim your vows to the Most High. Call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will glorify me” (Psalm 50.14-15, NIV).

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Closing Thoughts

Tuesday may just feel like any other day. It’s one of five work days for many people. It’s not uniquely the first work day or the last. It just seems like a routine mundane day.

We are glad that you have chosen to be specific in praying for today. Because each day is a gift from God and we should turn to him in prayer.

We hope that these prayers encouraged you in a new way to pray for your Tuesday. If you would like to pray for tomorrow check out the prayers for Wednesday.

Please let us know if we can be praying in any specific ways for your Tuesday, or leave us your prayer requests in the comments below.

Until next time we are praying that you will experience God’s steadfast love today.

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