6 Powerful Prayers For Your Son In The Military

6 prayers for your son in military pin Pin

Your son is in the military. You must be overwhelmed with emotions when you think about this truth. As it sinks in and becomes a reality we are so glad that you are turning to God. He cares about your son and your concerns.

We are so thankful for his service and are honored that you have trusted us to lead you in prayers for him.

Please feel free to share about your son in the military so we can be praying alongside you. We also invite you to share your prayer requests with us in the comments section down below, so we can help you find the words to bring God closer to you and the people around you in all aspects of life.

Short Prayer For Son In The Military

O, great God, I pray for my son in the military today. Please protect him and hold him in your hands. I am anxious, so I want to draw near to you.

God, I know that the blessings of freedom are from you. I also know that the military is on the front lines of protecting what is right so that we may enjoy the freedoms in this world. Thank you that my son can be part of caring out your blessings of freedom.

I pray that my son will come to know you more during his time in the military. Please be with the other soldiers and help them to know you and be an encouragement to my son during this time.

God, I pray that you protect my son from the dangers of this world, seen and unseen. Thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

a brief prayer for son in military pin Pin

Prayer For My Military Son’s Salvation

Dear Heavenly Father, my biggest concern for my son as he is in the military is the real possibility of his death before he comes to you. I am crying out to you tonight to save my son.

I pray that you open his eyes to the truths of your word. I pray that he understands that he can never work his way into your favor, but it is only by your grace that he can be found righteous before you. Help my son to confess you without shame.

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:9-13 ESV) 

I pray that the Gospel becomes a real truth in his life so he may live life with confidence. I pray that he recognizes that you are Lord and that apart from you there is only the guarantee of death. God, please redeem my son.

God, I know that there are many things that are tempting for my son to put his security in. He wants to trust in his own abilities, his weapons, and even the financial security the military promises. But you are the only one that can provide true security.

Protect my son from false truths that promise security that only you can provide.

God, please give my son the humility to see his faults and help him to turn from sin and repent.  Help him to turn to you and live his life in acknowledgment that you are Lord.

Lord, I pray that you work in my son’s life to save him. I pray this all in your name, Amen.

Prayer For The Safety Of My Military Son

God, I pray for the safety of my son. You know where he is right now and the dangers that are all around him. They may be physical and they may be spiritual. I pray that you protect my son from each of these dangers.

Sustain him in the face of danger. Please give him the strength the needs to complete the task that is placed before him. God, thank you that throughout the time you have been with your people providing strength. I pray today that you help my son not to fear but have strength.

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 ESV)

Lord, I pray that you protect my son especially when he gets discouraged. Help him not to believe the lies that he has to be perfect or in control. Because God, you are perfect and you are in control.

God, I know that often he will not be in imminent danger but rather working daily in long stretches of monotony. Help him to stay focused on the greater purpose that you have given him.

God, as my son is fighting for his country I pray you make it clear to him that he is also called to another citizenship and that is yours. Help him to see that his ultimate allegiance must be to your kingdom.  Help him to love his country and military through your eyes.

God, thank you that I can ask for things like safety, that you hear my prayers, and that you care for me and my son. I love you Lord with all my heart and I pray this prayer with confidence because of the name of Christ, Amen.

a prayer for the safety of my military son pin Pin

Prayer For The Friendships My Son Will Have In The Military

God, I pray that you bring a friend into my son’s life that knows you. I thank you that there are men and women in the military that are there to minister and serve. Some of these individuals are Chaplins and others don’t have a title but are still your disciples. Thank you for their faithfulness and sacrifice.

Help my son to make good friends who can encourage him, laugh with him, challenge him, and draw him closer to you.

Please give these friends wisdom and courage as they share your good news. Help them live boldly for you, even when so many others are not.

God, I ask that you protect him against friends that will pull my son in the wrong direction. Please, guard my son against friends that promise a good time but only leave him drained and empty.

God, I pray that you become my son’s best friend. You are a friend that never leaves, always keeps your promises, and can be trusted to get my son through tough times. Help him to learn what it looks like to have you as a best friend.

Thank you for all your provisions and your promise to be with your children. I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For My Military Son’s Family

God, I pray that you comfort my son’s family while he is deployed. Being in the military affects the whole family and I pray that you comfort them all today.

Lord, guard his marriage as he is separated because of being in the military. It may be tempting for either of them to find comfort in other individuals, but I pray that you guard them against that. Help them to see the value of their marriage and the covenant that they took before you.

Help them to find comfort in you alone. I pray that you give them an abundance of comfort as they wait to be with one another. Help my daughter-in-law to seek healthy friendships that will point her back to you.

God, I pray for my grandchildren. I pray that they would know you and that they would see the love of you through my son as he serves in the military. Help them to see and learn from my son’s dedication and commitment.

God, you know the needs of my son’s family and I pray that you provide for them in ways they didn’t even know they needed. Thank you for creating the family structure and I pray that you guard my son’s family during this season. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer That My Son Will Be A Good Soldier

God, thank you for the beautiful picture throughout scripture that being a soldier is an honorable profession as long as they do it in a way that still honors you. (Luke 3:14, and Luke 7:9)

Help my son be an honest soldier and to remember to think about these things…

“whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just” category that deserve our praise (Philippians 4:8).

Help him to see how he can serve both You and his country. Lord, I know that he has to be obedient to his commanding officer so I pray that his commanding officer never makes him have to choose between what is right in your eyes and what is expected of him in the military.

Lord, I pray that as he grows to be a good soldier in the military that he is also growing quickly in his relationship with you. Give him the commitment to pray and to get to know you more. Ground him in your steadfast love.

Lord, I pray that you give him the heart to love others. He will know many that walk in the shadow of death daily. Help him to share the truth he knows.

Help him to have the gratitude to acknowledge his blessings. You have given him so many amazing gifts and talents that he will be able to use in the military. Help him not to take those for granted but to thank you for those gifts.

God, War is an awful thing and I know is a result of the fall. However, if my son has to be part of a war help him to promote freedom, defend the rights of human beings, and reject tyranny. 

God, I praise you for your promise to one day end all human conflict. Until then I pray that you be with my son in the military as we hope for peace between peoples and nations on this side of heaven.

God, help my son be a good soldier. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Thoughts

As Christians, we are called to be soldiers for Christ and put on the armor of God. We are citizens of heaven and honor and defend it.

Your son has also decided to be a soldier for his country. He has sacrificed his time and energy and become disciplined as a soldier. This is a great reminder of the dedication we must also be as a soldier for Christ.

While you still may have mixed feelings of pride, fear, curiosity, and sadness, we hope that you also have confidence as you begin to pray for your son in the military. Confidence that he is in God’s hands.

Thank God for your son who is in the military. Pray for him without ceasing. And when you think of your son’s position as a soldier allow it to help you reflect on your role as a Christian soldier.  Thank God that He called us to be part of His kingdom and to fight the good fight. For He is a King worthy of our allegiance.

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