14 Loving Prayers For a Brother

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Do you need to pray about your brother?  Is your brother facing a tough situation and needs you to pray for him?

If you have other family members you want to pray for, we invite you to look around on this site. You can also pray for your sister, your niece, your cousin, or even the mother of the bride.

We’ve written these 14 loving prayers for a brother for you to use. Let these prayers be a help to you. While we could not think of every possible scenario, any of these prayers can be modified to suit your specific situation.

As you begin to say the words written here, you may find the Holy Spirit guiding you into more focused praying.  May you be open to the move of God in your heart as you pray for your brother.

I have an older brother and he forged the path for me with my parents. Since I was the second son, they already had some practice in dealing with a growing boy. By the time they got to me, I think they had it figured out.

He bore the brunt of some of their early parenting mistakes (which all new parents make–I know I have too!). I’ve been able to turn to him for advice over the years, which is a great blessing.

The least I can do is pray for my brother, even in those times when it doesn’t seem like he needs it.  I can pray for him simply out of love for him as my brother.

Sisters are our family.  God knew of the special bond that brothers and sisters share.  God knows that our love for each other is what really defines our relationships.

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.  If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” (1 John 3.16-17, NIV).

You may not have to literally lay down your life for your brother, but you can set aside some time each day to pray for him. And one of the best things you can do is pray for him.

Allow God to begin moving through you as you pray these prayers for your brother. We invite you to share your journey and prayer requests with us in the comments section down below. Let us know what God has done, and is doing in your life!

Short Prayer for a Brother

Dear Lord, I want to pray for my brother right now. Wherever he is, I ask that you make yourself known to him, for him to be aware of your constant presence with him. I don’t have any idea what is happening with him, but I felt a strong urge to lift him in prayer to you, so I trust that you are already at work with whatever he faces in this moment.

I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer for My Brother as a New Father

Lord God, I rejoice at the news I just got from my brother!  He just found out that he and his wife are pregnant with their first child!  My brother is going to be a daddy, and I’m going to be an uncle!

I am so happy for him and for her and I wanted to give praise to you for working in their lives to bring them to this point.  They’ve had some struggles in their marriage but this is such a blessing for them both.  I know my brother will make a terrific father.

I pray that you help him get ready and prepare his heart and mind for this new responsibility. Help him to not get overwhelmed but to sense the necessary weight of what being a dad will mean for him and for his child.

I pray that you grow him up where he needs maturity.  I pray that you enable him to receive the great joy that this is in his life.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, Amen.

Prayer for Brother Going Through a Tough Time

Dear God, I come to you on behalf of my brother. He won’t say much when we talk but I can tell he is going through a pretty rough time. I get the sense that he and his wife are facing some financial struggles, which likely means there are some other issues as well.

I don’t know how to help him, especially when he won’t tell me exactly what is happening.  So, I come to you, Father God, seeking guidance on what I need to do, if anything.

I know praying to you is a good thing I can do for my brother.  I pray he is seeking your face, even if in desperation.  I pray that he and his wife are communicating with one another and not shutting each other out.

I pray that you will provide for him.  You promised to take care of our needs so I am trusting you to do just that for my brother.  Help him see the way out of this financial chaos.  Help make the way straight for him.  I pray this in the name of Jesus, our Provider, Amen.

Prayer of Appreciation for My Brother

Dear God in heaven, I want to pray to you about my brother.  I so appreciate that you have put him back into my life again.  He’s been distant for so many years because he was building his business up, but now he’s back and available.

I ask for you to help us get reconnected and help me find the words to tell her how much I love her and appreciate her.  I am just so glad he is in my life.  Thank you, Father, for my brother.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Prayer for Brother Who Is Sick

God in heaven, I ask that you help my brother who is sick.  He’s contracted some terrible form of the flu that has been going around and with his other health concerns, this could be more damaging to him than to other people.

I pray for his immune system to be strong and for the medicine the doctors have given him to work in all of their full strength.  I pray that he puts his hope in you for his restoration to full health.  Help him to not get emotionally down.  I ask that you send your Spirit to lift his spirits.  Help him to choose to stay positive in the midst of this.

I thank you that they caught it early and could respond quickly to help fight back this flu in his body.  I pray that you make my brother well again, Lord.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer to Celebrate My Brother’s Birthday

Father God, I pray to you now as we gather here together to celebrate (brother’s name) birthday.  It’s been a long, yet exciting year for everyone, especially for my brother.  But she made it through and so did we.  Now we are all together and we are celebrating life!  We give you thanks for bringing us all together.

Thank you for the years he has lived thus far because each year is a sign of wisdom and strength.  Thank you for all of the delicious food and yummy cake and drinks, for as we eat, we know that the food we share is a sign of love between family and friends.  I’m grateful for each person here, for their presence is a sign of love for my brother.

May he receive this love and joy we have for him and his life.  He has touched us all with his love and care and peace. I pray all of this as we rejoice in the day he was born.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother’s Marriage

Dear God, I pray to you right now for my brother’s marriage.  I think he and his wife are going through a pretty rough patch in their relationship.  I don’t think either one of them wants to get divorced or anything like that, but I know there is strain there.  I can hear it in his voice and I can see it on her face.

I tried to talk to each of them separately about what was going on but neither one of them would say much.  All I really got was, “We’re dealing with a lot of stuff right now.  We’ll get through it somehow.”  I guess that’s kind of a positive thing.  They both realize they need to deal with whatever it is.

I love my sister-in-law and I love my brother.  I don’t want them to go for too long in this state so I pray that you will awaken them both to their true love for each other and remind them of their vows to each other.

Help them see a way through whatever confusion they are experiencing right now.  Help them both to talk to one another and apologize to each other, if that’s what is needed.  I ask that you help them to fall in love again, Lord.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer of Gratitude for My Brother

Dear Lord, I thank you for my brother.  He has been such a strong presence in my life and I am so grateful we have the relationship we have.  It’s been nice to feel more like equals now that we are both adults.

I am grateful for him and his life.  My brother means so much to me and to so many others.  He is such a light to others each and every day.  I pray that you keep him in good health and in good spirits each day.  I wouldn’t be half the man I am today if it wasn’t for my brother.  I pray your many blessings upon him, Lord.  In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother’s Safety

Dear Father God, I pray that you keep my brother safe.  He is a policeman on patrol on the night shift and I worry about his safety often.  I don’t want my anxiousness to bother him so I am coming to you in prayer.

Help keep him alert during his shift, always aware of what’s going on around him. Help protect him from any evil that would seek to hurt or destroy him.  Let your light shine through him and make the darkness flee.  Make sure he remembers to wear his Kevlar every shift.

I pray that you keep my brother safe Lord.  Help his wife to be at peace whenever he leaves to go to work.  I thank you for hearing my prayer through Jesus Christ, our Rock, and our Salvation, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother to Find a Job

Dear Lord God, I am asking you to help my brother find a job.  He has been out of work for months now and his money is running out.  He has applied all over and used every connection he has to get something to move forward, but still, there is nothing.

He just needs a good break. Please give him some sort of encouragement, some kind of sign that you are at work on his behalf. I just pray for some sort of good news for him. He really needs a job, Lord. I pray for your provision in his life. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother’s Health

Lord, I come to you in prayer about my brother’s health.  He doesn’t take real good care of himself and now those bad health habits are catching up to him.

He told me his doctor is worried about his blood pressure, and his weight, and that he might have the early stages of diabetes.  My brother is already taking 6-8 medications a day to deal with everything, which puts a strain on his finances.  He wants to get started on exercising but he can’t seem to get motivated.

I don’t want him to give up on himself Lord.  Please help my brother find something that will give him the will, the want-to in his life.  Help him to want to be in better health and to take the small steps at a time that will get him there.  Maybe the checkup with his doctor will awaken his attention and desire for better health.

I lift him to you through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother at Retirement

Lord God, I pray a prayer of thanks for my brother.  He has worked so hard all of his life and now he has put in enough years to qualify for a full retirement.

I am so happy for him, yet I also pray that he will find plenty of activity to keep him as busy as he wants to be in his retired life. I pray for his transition from full-time work to full-time retirement.

Help him see opportunities to do things he wants to do.  I pray that this next step in his life journey is a happy one and filled with your guidance.  I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother’s Healing

God, I pray for my brother’s healing.  She has a tumor that could cause major problems.  Thankfully, his doctor discovered it at his annual physical. They started aggressive treatments on it immediately and his medical team thinks the prognosis is good.

I pray for my brother’s complete healing.  I know you can, and do heal through modern medicine, Lord.  I pray for the treatments to work well and for the medicine he is taking to fully do the job.  I pray for healing and restoration of his strength and energy.  I pray for you to heal him and restore him, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer for My Brother’s Job

Dear God, I pray for my brother’s job.  He just started a couple of months ago at a new company and really likes it.  He’s not making the amount of money he needs but this is a much-needed provision for him and his family.

I pray that you will help him find the path to a promotion that he can work towards. I pray that you help him be able to do good work consistently so the company sees his value.  I pray that you protect him from any layoffs or downsizing.

I give you thanks for providing for him through this job.  He seems to have a new outlook and that is a positive step for him.  Thank you, Lord, through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Final Thoughts

God’s great truths are often more simple than we expect.  Like the truth of love for God and love for others.  The beloved disciple John reminds us that we can’t say we love God and hate our brother.  Love for other and love for God are linked.

Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.  And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister” (1 John 4.20-21, NIV).

You have a brother so you know how special he is to you.  Maybe you are his brother, or you are his sister.  In each case, the relationship to your brother is a special one and unique to the two of you.  That special bond is partly why you are on this website, reading this article on how to pray for your brother.

Our love for our brother(s) will be most evident in our actions.  And what could be a more loving action than coming humbly before God to pray for him?  Let all that you feel for your brother be made known in prayer to the One who listens and acts with grace and mercy.

Let the love of God within you come pouring out of you in prayer for your brother.  May God meet you in your prayers and surround you with his love, peace, and direction.

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