7 Heartfelt Prayers For Your Grandmother

Grandma, Gran, Grammy, Oma, GiGi, Abuela, Nana, or whatever you call your grandmother, they are important people in our lives. There are many prayers we can be praying for our grandmothers. 

For me, I am blessed to have both my grandmas still living. I experienced a relationship with them as a young girl and now as an adult.

One of my grandmas I will pick up and take out on a coffee date. I enjoy serving her in the ways she used to serve me when I was little. 

As I wrote these prayers they echoed prayers I have prayed for my grandmothers. There are prayers of praise and some of sorrow. Through it all though I trust in God’s sovereignty that He holds both my grandmas in His hands. 

One of my greatest prayers of praise for my grandma is that they shared God with me. They taught me in the way I should go. They were obedient in teaching me. 

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled. (Titus 2:3-5 ESV)

They were the older women in my life, and I’m blessed to write these prayers for our grandmothers since they have done so much for me.

The following prayers will hopefully get you started praying for your grandmother in specific ways. Please comment below on how we can be praying for your grandmother, or for any requests you may have.

Short Prayer For Your Grandmother

Heavenly Father, Thank you for my grandmother. She is such an amazing woman. I think about the time I spent with her as a young child but now the sweet memories we are making together as adults. 

I thank you that she knows you and walks with you. I value so much the wisdom and guidance she shares with me. 

God, I pray that you continue to draw her closer to your side. When there is fear about her future or death that seems to be getting closer, I pray that you comfort her. 

Father, you are so good and love us perfectly. Be with my grandma today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayers Of Thanksgiving For My Grandmother

God, you are perfect in all your ways and one way specifically you have been good in my life is by giving me, my grandmother. 

In your perfect timing and sovereignty, you allowed my grandmother to be mine. 

Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. (Psalm 115:3 ESV)

God, I thank you for going before my grandmother throughout her life. You knew her weakness and where strengths. You redeemed her from the sin we all have and have declared she is righteous. Your love is so gracious to her. 

And I thank you that she does not keep that love to herself but instead she shares it with anyone who will listen, especially her grandchildren.

She shares how Jesus came down to this earth and paid my debt. She didn’t hold back the details of your death and the blood that was spilled for me. 

She showed me his love but also corrected my sin, showing me always the grace of you, my king. My grandmother showed me in mighty ways how you fight for me. She was honest and bold. I know she could have not done this unless you first loved her. 

Thank you for loving her in this mighty way. It is your love that has concurred the sin in my grandmother’s life and set her free. I thank you for choosing her to be your own. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Healing Prayers For My Grandmother

God, you are all powerful and I pray that you extend your power now to heal my grandmother. You have numbered each of our days and I ask that if it is your will you heal my grandmother, and give her more days here on this Earth. 

God, I pray that as we wait for your healing we humbly walk with you. Help my grandmother to lean into your love and strength, especially when she feels like she has none. 

Father, as my grandmother battles this sickness I ask that you not only heal her body but that you heal her soul. Help her to release any earthly treasures she may be clinging to. Allow her to surrender the pride and selfishness we all struggle with. Help her turn to you with a humbled heart. 

God, you alone can heal my grandmother. I thank you for the common grace that you extend through the doctors that are taking care of my grandmother. I pray that you heal her through the work that they are doing. However there is always a limitation to that so I pray that you heal her with your power, I pray for a miracle. 

Father, I know that your will is not always to heal our bodies on this earth. For all of us, death is certain. God, if my grandmother’s time on this earth is coming to an end I pray that she is found to be righteous before you. For I know that you have promised restored and glorified bodies for all those who belong to you. 

God, please heal my grandmother. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayers For Troubled Grandmother

God, it seems like my grandmother is always troubled about one thing or another. She is consumed by worry and the present struggles of this world. Will you help her to turn her eyes to you? 

God, I know you are the true redeemer and you can help my grandmother with her troubles. Many times our troubles come from an area where we are not trusting in you, so I ask that you hold her close and draw her back to trust in you. Your love is so sure. 

God, when my grandmother is tempted to trust in the things of this world to comfort her, help her instead to turn her eyes to you. Let the things of this world and the things troubling her stay away as she focuses on what you have done and promise to do. 

When the troubles in her life seem to overwhelm her and she begins to cry. When the troubles seem to make her whole life seem so dark. When the valley she is in seems to be so long. Give her your peace. Allow her to experience the peace that flows from heaven. 

God, I know you will even use this time of trouble in her life to help her grow closer to you. Continue to prepare her for future troubles by walking through this present one with her. Help her to learn of your might and strength as you complete this work in her. 

Father, if my grandmother is troubled because her mind is failing will you simply hold her close and allow the troubles that consume her mind to drift away. 

God, I praise you that you have overcome this world. You have overcome all the troubles my grandmother will ever face. Help her to rest in your peace today. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Grandmother’s Salvation

God, I pray for my grandmother’s salvation. You know her heart. God, there is no fruit in her life of being in a relationship with you. There is no evidence that she has been walking with you or knows you.

She is deceived by the devil and believes that she is okay, but I plead with you to save her. You are the only one that can save us from the depths of our sins, from the evil one, and from death. 

God, give me the confidence to share the Gospel with my grandmother. Give me the words to speak into her life. Open her eyes to see her desperate need for you. Give her the humility to repent of her self-sufficient ways and to trust you with her life. 

As I share you with her I pray that you help her to understand. Clear her mind of all misconceptions and allow her to surrender to you. The only true savior. I pray this in Jesus’ name. It is such a powerful name and I trust in it fully to accomplish God’s will. Amen. 

Prayer For Grandmother To Finish Life Strong

God, my grandmother is nearing the end of their life. I praise you for calling her to yourself. The promise of eternity with you, for all those who have faith, is a comfort I cling to in these last days. I pray that my loved one finishes strong.

God, you have numbered my grandmother’s days. I want to thank you that you have loved her for each one of those days. Even when she did not think about you are love you the way she should have you never left her side. 

Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his limits that he cannot pass, (Job 14:5 ESV)

Father God, Please even in these last days equip my loved one for your redemptive work. Giver her strength to continue to show love and patients to those around her. I pray that you take away any sense of fear but only fill her with hope.

God, there are many other good things I could pray for as my loved one nears death. I thank you for hearing each of these prayers.

It is with this hope, that I pray that my loved one will finish strong. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Our grandmothers have impacted us all in different ways. We can praise God for the ways that they have impacted us positively. We can also be praying for our grandmothers in ways that they have hurt us and still need to grow. 

There are many different ways we can be praying for our grandmothers and I hope this helped you get started. 

One of the blessings I have had is to continue to build my relationship with my grandma. It’s not always easy but it’s a blessing and it allows me to know how I can be praying for them.

I hope you have an opportunity to talk and pray for your grandma today

If there is anything we can be praying for please comment below so we can be praying for your grandmother’s needs. 

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