7 Caring Prayers For Dad Who Passed Away

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I know many people who have lost their father over the years and it is always a difficult time. Even weeks or months after the death, loved ones still want to pray for their dad. This is understandable since a father is one of the most important people in a person’s life.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” ( Matthew 5.4, NIV).

I hope these seven caring prayers for a father who passed away will prove helpful to you. I could never know exactly what you need to pray for, but I think you can find one of the following prayers useful to you. If you need to modify the wording of the prayers to suit your circumstances, that is fine and encouraged. Make these prayers your own.

I also invite you to take a look at prayers for a dad in heaven, or prayers for the one-year death anniversary of a loved one while you are here on this site. Even better, bookmark this site so you can quickly return to get help praying about hundreds of life situations and scenarios.

Would you share your prayer requests and feedback with us? You can do that in the comments section at the end of this article. We love hearing from our readers!

Short Prayer For Your Dad Who Passed Away

Dear God, I want to come to you in prayer and pray for my father who passed away. It’s been a while since he died but I still feel like I want to pray for him. I believe he is with You in heaven but I want to pray for You to fill him with Your glory and so he can rejoice in Your mighty presence. I miss him but I know he is whole and healed with You. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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Prayer For A Father Who Recently Passed Away

Lord God, I am missing my dad so much right now. He died only two weeks ago and we’ve had the funeral and everything, but I want him to still be here.

I miss his laughter at my jokes and his warm embrace every time I come home to visit. It’s hard for me to fully grasp that he is gone, even though I know he is. I hope he is enjoying Your presence in heaven and dancing with the angels around Your throne. I believe he received the ultimate healing and is out of suffering now.

Help me grab hold of the best parts of him and his influence and weave that into my life each day. Help his love carry me through this time of intense sadness in his absence. I love my dad so much, Lord. Hear my prayer through Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prayer For A Dad Who Passed Away Years Ago

Father God, I kind of got a hit in my spirit today as I realized that this was the day that my dad died so many years ago. It’s not that I forgot about him; it’s just that this day snuck up on me.

I had to take some moments earlier to reflect on his influence in my life. I give you thanks for those memories that flooded my brain. His bits of advice on a regular basis, the loving touches on my shoulder as I studied at the table, or the texts he’d send whenever I started a new job or had a bad week.

I still miss him, Lord. I can’t bring him back, but I wish we’d had more time together. He’d be so proud of how his grandchildren have grown. I try to pass on the best of him to them. Thank you for my dad, for his life, and for his continued impact on my daily life. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For A Stepfather Who Passed Away

Dear God in heaven, thank you so much for my stepfather, who was such a great dad to me and my siblings. When our first dad died many years ago, we weren’t sure what would happen. But mom met (deceased’s name), fell in love, and got married a second time.

He has been such a great dad that I didn’t even call him “stepfather.”  He was my second dad, for sure. But now he is gone and I am so very sad. I wasn’t ready for him to go just yet. I feel like there was more of his wisdom I needed, more of his gentle acceptance I could use.

But, I am asking You to help me remember all of the good that he was and pour that into my brain, my spirit, my soul, and my memories. I want to believe that he is with You and in perfect peace, glorifying Your holy Name right now. Thank you for my second dad, my treasured father. In the name of Jesus, I pray these things, Amen.

“He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; and the rebuke of his people shall he take away from off all the earth: for the LORD hath spoken it” ( Isaiah 25.8, KJV).

Prayer For An Absent Father Who Died

God, I don’t really know what to pray right now. Apparently my birth dad has died. I’m kind of confused as to what I’m supposed to be feeling in these moments.

Part of me is sad that he has died. I mean, he was the man who helped make me who I am by conceiving me with my mother. But the other part of me is not really feeling much of anything. He wasn’t involved in my life and I really don’t have much memory of him.

The Christmas cards he’d send from time to time don’t really make up for being absent from my life. I could have used a dad in my life at so many points, but he wasn’t there. I’m sorry he has died and I trust He was saved through Jesus Christ. I’ll have to leave that concern with You, Lord.

Help me to deal with this news of my dad dying, as I’m having a difficult time processing all of this. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For A Distant Father Who Passed Away

God in heaven, I was saddened to learn that my dad passed away last week. He hadn’t lived near me and my mom for several years and never really kept in touch. I pray for him and his soul because I do not know if he had a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I hope he did not suffer when he died and did not die alone. I pray that he turned to You in his life, or in his final moments here on earth. Since I didn’t really connect with him too much because he left when I was so much younger, I am not feeling a lot of grief.

But, he was the man who loved my mom enough at some point to make me become a father. I can at least be thankful for that much from his life. I pray for him, Lord.  Hear my prayer.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For An Adopted Father Who Passed Away

Lord God, I recently was told that a man I looked to as a second father passed away. I always called him my adopted father because he stepped in when my birth dad died many years ago.

I’m an adult now and may not need all the guidance from a father that a young child needs, but (deceased’s name) was very much like a dad to me over the years. I could ask him for advice and he’d give it to me straight. He respected my opinion and I believed he was always in my corner.

I pray for his family, who are grieving deeply right now. I also pray for him, that he is at full peace in Your presence. I miss him and am glad for the time we had together. Thank You for the blessing of getting to have an “extra” dad in my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Final Thoughts

Losing a parent to death is always difficult and surrounded by so many emotions, feelings, and actions. Having a dad pass away, whether it was expected or not, is a challenge that can best be met with prayer.

Regardless of when your dad died, you can still pray for him. You can let God know how you feel now about your dad, what you miss about him, or really anything. There’s nothing too small, or too big, for God to handle. Let yourself be vulnerable and honest with God in prayer.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” ( Deuteronomy 31.8, NIV).

May the Spirit meet you in your prayers for your father who passed away. May you be surrounded by peace and comfort and the grace of Christ. Keep on praying!

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