6 Solid Prayers For Good Leadership

Do you want to be a good leader and need to pray about it? Are you searching for how to exhibit good leadership?

Let these six solid prayers for being a good leader be a help to you. They are written in a way that allows you to use them as they are, or you can modify the wording to suit your specific situation. Think of these prayers as a tool to aid your connection with God.

You may also benefit from looking at prayers for your boss, or prayers for good character. Whether you are wanting to be a good leader or just a better version of yourself, the hundreds of prayers on this site can serve as a great way to help you grow as a person, and as a follower of God.

Being a good leader is different than being a manager. Leadership is about influencing and motivating people toward what is ahead. As you lead, people will follow along, to put it simply. Although there are people who seek to lead through force or manipulation, that is not the way of a Christ-follower.

The Apostle Paul gives us all some good advice:

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2.3-4, NIV).

Servant leadership is the way of Jesus. This means you will want to pray to God for insight, wisdom beyond yourself, and compassion for others. The prayers below are a way for you to begin this prayer journey toward being a good leader.

Short Prayer For Good Leadership

Dear Lord God, I am now in a position of leadership and I am praying that I can be a good one. I don’t really think of myself as a leader, but now that I am, I need your guidance and strength to treat people well. People will only follow where I am capable of leading them, so I seek your wisdom and grace. I ask all of this in the loving name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

a brief prayer for a good leadership pin Pin

Prayer For Being A Good Leader At Work

Dear God, I come to you today as a leader in the workplace. I pray that you would give me wisdom and discernment as I make decisions. Help me to be fair and just in my dealings with others.

I also ask that you give me the courage to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular. Sometimes business decisions and people decisions are in conflict. I ask for wisdom to know what’s best as I seek to motivate everyone around me.

Lastly, I pray you help me to always remember that my ultimate goal is to glorify you in all that I do, as a leader, and as a follower of Christ.  I ask all of these things through Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For Good Leadership In Church

Dear God, I have been placed into a position of leadership in our church, so I pray to you for your help. I pray that you would give me the wisdom and grace to lead your people well, with positive influence and grace.

Help me to be a humble servant leader, and to always point people to you. Give me the courage to make tough decisions, and to always put your will first. I only want what is best for the church and for people’s relationship with you.

And help me to always remember that I am only a steward of your church and that all glory belongs to you. I don’t need accolades, just the knowledge that I am ultimately serving you. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Being A Good Leader In A Volunteer Organization

Dear God, our local non-profit group has asked me to be a leader.  I am humbled to even be asked, so I pray now that you would give me the wisdom and compassion to lead others well.

I want to be a good leader there, not with power, but as a servant leader, as Jesus did. I pray for empathy and compassion, so I can see other’s point of view as I make decisions that influence our purpose and actions in our city.

Help me to remember I am leading and motivating, not managing. I turn to you for strength and guidance as I don’t feel like I am qualified for this, but here I am, ready to serve. I pray this in the strong name of our Savior, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For Being A Good Leader In Our Community

Dear God, I want to have more influence in our community and the only way I see of doing that is to be a leader. I pray that you guide me to the right places where I can seek to improve what happens in our community.

I pray that you would give me the wisdom and vision to lead others well, once a position opens up. I want to motivate people towards a better future and I can’t do that, or even envision that without your wisdom and guidance in my life. I seek you through this prayer.

I want to use my natural kindness and compassion to have a positive impact on people around me and in whatever capacity I will serve. Direct my steps toward the best place. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For Good Leadership At Home

Dear God, together with my spouse, I want to make sure we have good leadership in our home. We each have our strengths, what we are better at than the other. Help us to see how we can best work together as spouses to complement each other and mutually rely on each other.

Help me to be a loving and supportive leader in what I do, and to always put the needs of my family first. Help me respect my spouse’s insights and strengths. I am so grateful that we are married and we get to do this together, through focusing on you.

This enables us to both learn from each other and grow in our ability to lead in different situations that will come up in our household. I ask this through the love and power of Jesus, Amen.

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Concluding Thoughts

Leadership is a gift from God. It is a responsibility to be used for His glory and the good of others. As Christian leaders, we are called to follow the example of Jesus Christ, who was the ultimate servant leader.

You may have become a leader through experience, or a certain amount of time in a place, or it was just asked of you recently. No one would really wish to be a bad leader, but that can be a fear that is in the back of your mind as you step into leadership.

You want to lead people well, to have them follow your direction, and so forth. This is a great opportunity to seek God through prayer for wisdom and guidance.  Is this really something you want to try and do on your own? I’d like to share a few biblical principles for good leadership:

Be humble.  Jesus said, “Whoever wants to be great must become a servant” (Matthew 20.26, MSG). True leaders are not self-serving, but are willing to put others before themselves.

Be trustworthy.  Leaders must be people of integrity who can be trusted to do what they say they will do. They must be honest and fair, and they must keep their promises. You can be praying daily for this.

Be compassionate.  Leaders should care about the people they are leading. They should be willing to listen to their concerns and help them overcome their challenges. Your empathy will increase as you are open to the Holy Spirit in your prayer life.

Be courageous.  Leaders must be willing to stand up for what is right, even when it is unpopular. They must be willing to take risks and make tough decisions. In the face of challenges, don’t you want to gaze into the face of God through prayer?

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1.9, NIV).

As Christian leaders, we are called to be humble, trustworthy, compassionate, and courageous. We are called to lead with integrity and love, and to always put others before ourselves. When we do these things, we reflect the character of Jesus Christ and bring glory to God.

Good leadership is noticeable and appreciated. You can probably point to people you have seen or know that were good leaders. They likely share traits like what has been mentioned above. It’s okay to model yourself after them in some fashion, but remember that God has made you to be you, especially as you seek to be a good leader.

For us to be able to walk in that reality, we need daily and regular prayer. We encourage you to use these prayers whenever, and wherever you need. We also invite you to share your prayer requests and comments at the end of this article.

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