14 Tender Prayers For One-Year Death Anniversary Of A Loved One

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Are you nearing the one-year mark of the passing of a loved one? Searching for prayers to pray for the death of your loved one?

We are sorry for your loss and invite you to use these 14 tender prayers to help you as you walk through the first year after the death of someone you love. Although we cannot envision every possible scenario, one of these prayers will likely be of help to you. Please know that you can alter the wording of any of these prayers to suit your specific circumstances.

You may also benefit from looking at prayers for someone who just passed away, or hopeful prayers for accepting death. Wherever you are on your journey, we welcome your prayer requests and comments in the section at the end of this article.

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34.18, NIV).

Even though there is no timeline for mourning, I’ve often told people to give themselves a good year to get through all the “firsts” without their loved one–the first Christmas and Thanksgiving, the first birthday or anniversary, and so on. That’s why any of these 14 prayers can prove helpful to you, to give you the words you may not have yourself right now.

Over time, you may be able to pray what’s in your heart and cry out to God with transparency. However and whenever you, though, open your heart to God and let His Holy Spirit grant you solace and peace.

Short Prayer About The First Year Anniversary Of The Death Of A Loved One

Dear God, the person I love so dearly passed away a year ago this week. I’m not sure how to remember or honor their death anniversary, so I am praying to you for both guidance and comfort. This last year has been tough, with the first Christmas without him, birthdays, and other celebrations where he was not present because of death. Help me to continue my love for him, even in death. I pray for us all as we each deal with his passing this week. Grant this for the sake of your love through Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Father’s Death

Father God, I have been barely able to make it through this past year since my father died. Even though it was somewhat expected due to his bad health, his passing was a major blow to all of us. We just thought he’d be around with us longer than he was.

I know the only way we’ve made it through this first year was by your grace and mercy, and for that, I give you much thanks. Help us all to remember Dad fondly in the coming days. I also ask that you help us take the best of who he was and let that shine through our daily lives. I pray you grant all of this through your loving Son, Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Mother’s Death

Dear Jesus, this past year has been both the longest and the shortest. My mom’s death a year ago seems like forever, yet also like she was with me only yesterday. Mourning her passing has really messed up my sense of time, but I trust you to continue to guide me.

As I prepare to remember her on the first-year anniversary of her passing, I don’t really know what I will do, but I trust your Spirit will direct my thoughts in good ways. I want to honor Mom and remember her well after this first year. I will always miss her and I know that is okay by your grace. Give me strength I don’t have on my own, through Jesus, Amen.

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Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Son’s Death

Dear God, my precious son has been dead for a year now and I’m not sure I’ve still come to grips with the reality that he is not here anymore. Everywhere I look I still see signs of him, but I can’t bear to clean out his room and get rid of his belongings. There are just too many memories there.

I thank you for pulling me, and my family, through this first year. It was very tough during the holidays and his birthday, for sure. Please help us all to remember him, yet I also know we can’t be in mourning forever. I trust in your guidance, Lord. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Daughter’s Death

Lord God, I enter into this time of prayer as we near the time of our daughter’s death last year. I don’t know if we will do anything special on that day or not, but I don’t want to feel like I’m forgetting her with each passing year.

You have given us so much grace and comfort these past 12 months since she died. The support of friends and even within our own family has truly been a gift from you, Lord. We need strength to keep going in life, so we can honor our daughter, yet not get mired in a deep, dark hole of mourning. Grant this by your mercy, God, through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Brother’s Death

Dear God in heaven, my brother has been dead for a year now, and it’s hard to believe it has actually been a whole year. I want to honor his memory this upcoming week, in some special way, but I don’t know what that will be.

I think I will always miss him and his presence in my life, but I also realize that the best way I can honor him and his character is to bring out the best of him in what I do each day. Help me to grieve well, as I loved him well. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Sister’s Death

My dear sister, Lord, my dear sister has been gone from us for just about a year this week. Over the past 12 months, each special day or holiday without her was gut-wrenching. Her absence was palpable and real.

That old cliche of “you don’t know what you got until it’s gone” is heartbreaking to say out loud, but it is true. I miss her so much, yet I know she is with you in glory and that bit of truth brings me a sparkle of joy amidst my grief for her.  Thank you for her life and her influence on my life and many others. I pray this through the loving power of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Wife’s Death

God, I still can’t get a grip on the fact that my wife is not here anymore. She died a year ago and these past many months have been like I was living in a fog. I still call out her name, like she’s just in the other room or something. I miss her terribly.

The anniversary of her death is coming up soon and I feel like I’m supposed to do something special about it but I just don’t have anything in my emotional tank. I cried out and just feel empty.  I need you God, to get through this day and through this next week. I think it will be really tough for me. Help me, Jesus, I pray, Amen!

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Husband’s Death

Dear God, even though I knew my husband’s condition was terminal, I really didn’t want him to die. And now, it’s already been a year since he passed and his absence in the house and in my life is so real, like it was yesterday.

I don’t know how I’ve made it through this past year, other than by your tremendous mercy and grace upon me, given through family and friends. I am so grateful, Lord.

Will you please help me get through this first anniversary of his passing? I don’t know how I’m supposed to mark this date, or if I’m to do anything special, or not. But I don’t want to forget his love for me, ever. Help me Lord Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Grandmother’s Death

It has been just about a year, Lord, since my dear grandmother passed away. We have mourned her loss over the past year in many different ways, but always with an undercurrent of gratitude for her love for God.

I guess that’s what makes this first anniversary of her death, not such an impending challenge. It will be a time to remember fondly, share memories with laughter, and cry tears of joy and gratitude for her life.  Thank you for who she was to all of us. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Grandfather’s Death

Lord, my grandpa died a year ago and this past year has been more challenging than I thought. I knew he was quite old, but somehow, I just thought he wouldn’t die anytime soon.  But he did and this past year I have really been in mourning for him.

I miss his phone calls and his great stories. Help me to remember them, or even to write them down for posterity, so they won’t pass away too. The anniversary of his passing is in a about a week or so, and I want to do something special but am not sure what to do.  I pray for guidance and peace in the midst of all of this. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Uncle’s Death

Dear God, my uncle died a year ago and it just hit me as I looked at my calendar that it has really been a whole year. It flew right by and yet I still deeply miss him and his laughter. I am glad that we lived close by so I could see him pretty frequently there at the end of his life.

While I will always feel his absence, I am thankful that on this first anniversary of his death, I have peace about his death and trust he is whole and fully healed in your eternal presence. I am grateful for how he impacted my life in positive ways.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Aunt’s Death

Lord God, it is with a peace that passes my own understanding that I pray a prayer of thanks on this first anniversary of my aunt’s death.

Because of her great witness for Christ, I know she has been in heaven with you and without pain since she passed, receiving the final healing through Jesus. Even in her sickness, she gave praise to you for your grace. I treasure her witness and honor her love for you on this anniversary. Through Christ, I give thanks and make this prayer, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Friend’s Death

Dear Lord God, as I looked over my calendar this week, it struck me that this will be the first year anniversary of my dear friend’s death. It gave me pause.  I stopped what I was doing and spent several minutes recalling the good times we’d had together and the laughter we’d shared over the years.

I ask for a good, tangible way to remember him and honor his memory this week, as I don’t have a good sense of what, or how to do that. As I sort through my memories of my friend, I pray you will direct me to a good answer to show how his life impacted mine.  I ask this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

Prayer For The First Anniversary Of Neighbor’s Death

Dear God, my neighbor, who we’ve known for several years, died a year ago and I’m praying for guidance as to what to do to honor him this upcoming week. I want to be respectful of his spouse and family, yet I also want them to know that we have not forgotten him.

We want to do something special to remember ourselves, but also for them to know that he had a positive influence in our lives. He was a good neighbor!  Help us see what to do, and be able to do it with love and care. In the name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

Consider This

The first year anniversary of a loved one’s death can be a difficult time. It can be hard to believe that it has been a whole year since they passed away. You may be feeling a range of emotions, including sadness, grief, anger, and guilt. It is important to allow yourself to feel these emotions and to grieve in your own way.

While the first year of grief is often the most difficult, coming to God in prayer is a good step to help you make it through, surrounded by God’s peace.  Remember, grief is what you feel and think internally about the person who has died. Mourning is the outward expression of your grief.

So, it is natural to be in a season of mourning in the first year after a loved one has died, while the grief may be with you for longer–you’ll continue to think and feel emotion about your loved one who passed, but the actual mourning may lessen over time.

There are many things you can do to cope with the first year anniversary of a loved one’s death. You may want to spend time with family and friends, talk to a therapist, or join a grief support group. It is also important to take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Make sure you are eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising.

Along with regular prayer, you can find comfort and strength in scripture. The prophet Isaiah reminds us that God is with us in our grief and that He will never leave us. He will give us the strength to get through this difficult time.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41.10, NIV).

On the first year anniversary of your loved one’s death, you may want to do something special to remember them. You could plant a tree in their honor, donate to a charity they supported, or simply spend some time in their favorite place. Whatever you do, make sure it is something that feels right for you.

Grief is a process that takes time. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. So, give yourself, and others, the grace and space to mourn in this first year. Just remember that you are not alone. Many people have lost loved ones, and there are resources available to help you cope.

If you are struggling to cope with the first year anniversary of a loved one’s death, please reach out for help. There are many people who care about you and want to help you through this difficult time. The simple prayers found here are but one helpful tool to aid your journey with God through the valley of the shadow of death.

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