5 Heart-Felt Prayers For Son’s Wedding

What joy you must be experiencing to see your son getting ready to get married. 

God called you to raise this child, it hasn’t always been perfect but God’s grace is. Now this same God is calling you to let him go. 

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 ESV)

You may be nervous or unsure if you can but deep down you know you are happy to obey God’s word. So with open arms, you trust God with this next stage in your son’s life. Let go of all you want to hang to and see how God provides for your son during this new season of his life. 

As I think about the weddings I have been part of I am reminded of how busy it all seems. Many times we wake up and the very moment remembers the long list of things we must do. We want to start our to-do lists immediately. 

We see the example throughout scripture of coming to Him in the morning. We recognize that all our strength and ability to get things done comes from you. 

O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch. (Psalm 5:3 ESV)

There is much to pray about though for the wedding and so we have put some prayers together to help you pray through that day. We hope that these prayers help you stay focused on Christ throughout the business and that through them you find peace and joy. 

Please comment below and share with us when the big day is so that we can join you in prayer for your son’s wedding. 

Short Prayer For My Son On His Wedding Day

God, I pray that this day be honoring to you. Let this special event not be in vain. There has been so much work and preparation that has gone into this day, I pray that you are over it all. I pray that my son continues to seek after you on this special day. 

Help my son not be anxious on this day, but instead help him remember that you are in control. 

God, I know that my son is a gift from you and I thank you for all that you have done in his life. I pray that you continue to work in his life making him to be grow to be a godly man, pleasing to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For Our Son’s Wedding Ceremony

God, I pray that you be ever-present at our son’s wedding ceremony, today! 

There is so much happening and many people are preparing for this big day. I pray for all those that are helping out. Give them the strength and wisdom they need to make all of their responsibilities go smoothly. 

God, you are in control of all the weather, and you have a reason for all of it. We pray for beautiful weather for us to enjoy on this day but if not we will still praise you. 

By the breath of God ice is given, and the broad waters are frozen fast. He loads the thick cloud with moisture; the clouds scatter his lightning. They turn around and around by his guidance, to accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world. Whether for correction or for his land or for love, he causes it to happen. (Job 37:10-13 ESV)

God, I pray that you help all of us to enjoy this special day. That we can rest in your sovereignty and see your hand over the entire day. 

I pray for peace, energy and wisdom for me and my spouse.  I’m so thankful for all you have done and all that others have done to get us to this day. 

God, I especially pray for my son and his soon-to-be bride.  I pray that on this day they will be able to look back on this and know that you were honored through it all. Help them to cherish this day that they committed their lives to each other. Help them not to take this commitment lightly but with a full understanding of the commitment they are making. 

God, I thank you that I get to be part of my son’s ceremony. Thank you for hearing my prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For My Son And Daughter In Law

God, I pray for my son’s and daughter’s in-law marriage. As we get ready for the wedding love, hope, and anticipation of a great life fill the air. I pray that they experience this throughout their marriage. 

Father, you know that marriage is tough. Disappointments, pride, and sin taint what was once simple bliss. I pray that in those times they cling to you and your word for guidance. Help them not to be lured in by this world and the false hope it brings. Instead, help them to find true hope in their marriage, through you alone. 

God, I pray that my son would be a husband like you have called men to be in scripture. That he would love his wife well and lead her in a way that would help her grow to be more and more like Christ. 

God, I pray that my son loves his wife more than life. I pray he loves her beyond even what he could imagine. But I pray that he will never love her more than he loves you, God. Help him to love you with a never-ending, always seeking, joy-filled love. This is the greatest gift he can give his wife. 

I confidently pray these things because of who you are and the power you have to fulfill your will. In Christ’s name, Amen. prayers for son and daughter in law

Prayer For My Son’s Future Wife 

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for my son’s fiancé. She is such a blessing to my son and to our entire family. We recognize that your sovereign hand has beautifully put them together. God, you have answered every prayer we have cried for her. 

God, I pray that she loves my son well all their days. I pray that she finds your words the guiding light when things are tough and rejoice in you always. 

God, I pray that you bring other godly women into her life that can teach her to be a wife that honors you and respects my son. Give her the strength and boldness to live in their marriage in this way. 

Prayer For My Son’s Marriage

God, as I pray for my son’s wedding day I’m reminded that this is just the first day of a marriage. I want to thank you for creating marriage and for allowing us to be part of your plan to share your love through marriage. 

God, I pray that my son’s marriage be honoring to you. I pray that when things are great he praises you. I pray when things get hard he turns to you. 

Father, teach my husband how to lead his wife and future family well. Help him to be bold to stand up to the truth. 

God, thank you for allowing my son to step into this covenantal relationship with his bride. I pray that he takes this responsibility seriously and that he never stops loving his wife in the way that you have called him to. 

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. (Ephesians 5:31-32 ESV)

God, please protect and guide my son in his future marriage. I pray this all in your name, Amen. 

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Closing Thoughts

What joy you must be experiencing to see your son getting ready to get married

God called you to raise this child, it hasn’t always been perfect but God’s grace is. Now this same God is calling you to let him go. 

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 ESV)

You may be nervous or unsure if you can but deep down you know you are happy to obey God’s word. So with open arms, you trust God with this next stage in your son’s life. 

There is much to pray about before and during the wedding day and so we have put some prayers together to help you pray. We hope that these prayers help you stay focused on Christ throughout the business and that through them you find peace and joy. 

Please leave prayer requests in the comments so we can pray with you!

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