7 Helpful Prayers For A Wedding Shower

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Wedding showers are a great time to celebrate the upcoming commitment that two people will make to one another. They are usually filled with familiar faces, cakes, and presents. Sometimes even a game or two. 


Freely you have received; freely give. (Matthew 10:08 NKJV)

You have been asked to pray during this event and you may be feeling overwhelmed. Yes, you have a relationship with God and pray all day long but to pray infant of a crowd is different.

We know you want to take this seriously and honor the bride and groom through your prayer. But you may also recognize that this is an opportunity to glorify and speak truth on this beautiful occasion. 

We hope one of these prayers will be perfect for your occasion. Please comment below and let us know if we can be praying for you as you prepare and pray for the Wedding Shower. 

Perhaps you will not be praying at the shower but just be a guest at the shower. We have included a final prayer that can be said in the quietness of your heart as you bring this bride and groom before our king. 

Please let us know if we can be praying for you as you prepare to pray or as you pray for those getting ready for the wedding shower.

Short Prayer For A Wedding Shower

God, you are such a wonderful provider and we praise you for allowing us to provide for everything we get to celebrate at this wedding shower. I pray that you will be glorified today through this event. 

God, I want to pray for all those that made this wedding shower possible. I thank you for the willingness and effort they put into this event. 

God, I want to pray a special prayer over the bride and groom that we are celebrating today. I pray that you would be at the center of not only this event but also their entire marriage. I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Protective Prayer For A Wedding Shower

Lord, you have shown such favor over this couple and we are glad to be here today to celebrate with them. 

I pray that you show this couple your steadfast love and that they learn how to love each other more every day. 

I pray that you protect their marriage from the attacks of the evil one and help them to honor you with this marriage. 

God, help them to remain faithful to you and to each other and help their marriage experience the peace only you can offer. 

You are the Lord who gives what is good and you have done that in this relationship. Help us now celebrate these two at their wedding shower. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Praying Over The Food At The Wedding Shower

Dear Heavenly Father, you are such a good God and we thank you for bringing us together today to celebrate the bride and the groom at this wedding shower. 

God, I pray that they will enjoy many years of marriage together and that their lives would be honoring to you.

Right now, God, I want to pray for the food. Thank you for providing it for us. Thank you for the hands that prepared it. I pray that you will allow it to strengthen our bodies as we celebrate the bride and groom at their wedding shower. I pray this all in Jesus’  name, Amen. 

Prayer To Start The Wedding Shower

Dear Heavenly Father, we want to thank you for this day. You have created such a beautiful day for us to celebrate the bride and groom at this wedding shower. 

I pray that this event will bring you glory. That our speech and our thoughts would be loving towards each other and especially the bride and groom. 

God, I ask that you would continue to care for the bride and groom not only today but throughout their marriage. Allow them to grow to have a deeper relationship with you each and every day. 

Lord, help them to celebrate you in the good times and seek your refuge in the hard times. 

Thank you, God, that we get to celebrate with them today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Prayer To End The Wedding Shower

God, thank you for this beautiful day we could spend together. Thank you for providing for us and allowing this wedding shower to go so well. 

God, I pray that this would not be the end of something good but rather the beginning of this couple’s life. I pray that you would continue to go with them as we go from this place. 

God, bless this couple and help them to depend on you everyday going forward. 

As we look forward to the next big event, the wedding, I pray you also be at work there. Help this event to go well. Help the preparations to go seamlessly. 

You are a good and gracious God and we thank you for all you have done. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer To Honor The Bride And Groom At The Shower

God, I want to pray to honor the bride and groom right now. Thank you for orchestrating so beautifully their story. We praise you for being part of the early days and now guiding them to this point of marriage. 

God, thank you for (name of bride). I pray that you continue to hold her close to you. Help her when she is anxious or nervous about the wedding you give her your peace. God, I ask that you give her your comfort that you are in control and she can rest in you. 

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28 ESV)

God, thank you for (name of groom). I pray that you will help him even now lead in a way that honors you. Help him to provide support and love for this season of life. I pray that he continues to seek after you every morning. We know you are the giver of life, help him lead (the bride’s name) toward you in each circumstance. 

God, we thank you for both of these precious people. They have been such beautiful examples of your love in their single lives, we pray that they will continue to shine for you within their marriages. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For All Those Involved In The Wedding Shower

God, I want to pray for all those involved in the wedding shower. 

God, I pray for the bride and groom as they get ready. Help them to enjoy this day as they celebrate. Help them to not worry about any details but to be able to rest in you. 

Father, I pray for the family that will be there. I pray that you help everyone to get along and allow it to be a time to celebrate. I pray that if there are any hurt feelings that linger that you would allow forgiveness to be extended. 

God, I pray for those preparing the food and details of the party. I pray that you be with them throughout the preparations and that their work would be done in a way that honors you. 

Finally, I pray for myself and all the guests that will be at the party. Help me not to think of my own situation or draw attention to myself. Help me to be selfless as I celebrate with this couple at their wedding shower. You have given me so much to be grateful for.

God, I am most thankful that you have redeemed me. I pray that all those involved in this shower would be able to know you and your saving power in the way that I do. 

I pray this all in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

Weddings, showers, and all the preparations for two people coming together as one is an exciting time. Praying through each one of these steps is important. It’s important not because God doesn’t know what is going on, He does, but because it reminds us who is in control. 

We are so blessed as Christians that we know that God is in control. He is in control even of the wedding showers we will participate in. So we love praying to God because we are reminded of this truth and we get to talk to our God who loves us. 

We care about the details of your life and pray with you through them. We would love to know when your wedding shower is so we can be praying with you. We invite you to also share your comments and prayer requests down below, at the end of this article.

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