5 Strong Prayers For Being A Good Husband

5 Prayers for being a good husband pin Pin

The very fact that you are seeking to be a good husband is evidence that you are likely already a decent and good man. Otherwise, while else would it even matter to you? As you desire to love your wife more deeply and become an even better husband than you already are, take encouragement and perspective from the Apostle Peter:

The same goes for you husbands: Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them. As women they lack some of your advantages. But in the new life of God’s grace, you’re equals. Treat your wives, then, as equals so your prayers don’t run aground” (1 Peter 3.7, MSG).

Through God’s grace, you can move ahead to where God is leading you, and what better way to receive that guidance and direction than through regular prayer? Let these prayers inspire you and encourage you, to grow closer to God and to your wife.

We invite you to use any of these five strong prayers for being a good husband to receive what you seek from God. As we cannot predict every scenario, you are welcome to modify the wording of these prayers to suit your specific situation.

You might also be encouraged to read thankful prayers for your wife, or even prayers for reconciling a relationship. We encourage you to share your requests and comments in the comments area at the end of this article.

Short Prayer For Being A Good Husband

Dear Lord God, I want to be a good husband to my wife. I don’t think I’m a bad one really; I just desire to grow into a better one. I want to be more loving and patient and attentive, so I pray for all of those things and the humility to take direction by your Spirit. I am grateful for your love for me and for the blessing in my life that is my wife. I ask these things through Jesus Christ, Amen.

a brief prayer for being a good husband pin Pin

Prayer For A Newly Married Husband

Dear God, I come to you today in prayer as a new husband. I am excited and nervous about this new chapter in my life. I know that I have a lot to learn, but I am confident that with your help, I can be a good husband to my wife.

Please help me to love my wife unconditionally. Help me to be patient with her, even when she is not perfect. Humble me when I make mistakes too. Help me to be kind and considerate, and to always put her needs first.

Please help me to be a good leader in our home and seek her wisdom as we live life together. Help me to make wise decisions and to set a good example for our children.

Most importantly, Lord, I pray that you help me to always put you first in our marriage. Help me to lead my family according to your word, and to always seek your guidance.

I know that I cannot do this on my own, but with your help, I can be a good husband and a good leader. Thank you for your love and your grace. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Prayer To Be A Good Husband After Many Years of Marriage

Dear Father God, I have been married now for many years. I am grateful for the love and companionship that my wife has given me over the years. I know that we have not always been perfect, but I am thankful for the grace that you have shown us.

As we continue to grow older, I pray that you will help me to be a good husband to my wife. Help me to continue to love her unconditionally, as you have loved me. We have built so many good memories together and I pray we can keep making new ones each day, by your grace and mercy.

I ask that you grant me good health so I can be active with my wife and be available to her for what she needs. I don’t want to be a burden to her physically, as we age. I have been blessed in this marriage and I desire to keep being a blessing to her. Guide me and fill me with your Love, by your Holy Spirit.  In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

Prayer To Be A Good Husband Daily

Lord God, all I have ever really wanted was to be a good husband to my wife. We have gotten off to a good start in our marriage and have been enjoying life together for several years now.  But we’re past the fleeting “lovey-dovey” attraction season of marriage and are into the real-life, everyday love.

We really know each other now and have seen each other at our best and at our worst and loving each other is a decision and actions. I want to grow in my love for her and I want to be a good husband to my wife every day, in the best way I possibly can.

I’m not after perfection because that isn’t even realistic. But I do want to be consistent. I don’t want to be afraid of changing as I need to, in order to grow into the man and husband you want me to be. I ask for your Spirit’s guidance and correction. I ask these things in the matchless name of Christ, Amen.

Prayer As I Struggle To Be A Good Husband

Dear God, I am struggling to be a good husband. I know that I am not perfect, and that I make mistakes. But I want to be the best husband that I can be, for my wife’s sake.

I have a lot of issues I need to deal with, which distracts me from being fully present with her, or listening to her. I feel like I am distant from her, physically and emotionally, and I don’t want to be at all. I need your direction to find my way back to being a loving and present husband.

She has been so patient, understanding and forgiving, but I don’t want to keep placing that burden on her. I need to take responsibility for my inaction and get out of this hole. I pray for strength that I don’t have, and for understanding, I can’t seem to grab hold of at the moment.  I need clarity, Lord.

Please help me go from struggling to confident, by the power of the Lord Jesus. It is in His name I pray, Amen.

a prayer as I struggle to be a best husband pin Pin

Closing Thoughts

Whether you are newly married, or have been married for a few or many years, doesn’t it make sense that you would want to be a good husband to your wife? But sometimes it can be challenging to know exactly what that means or have tangible ways to express that.  Seeking God’s guidance in prayer is a good way to begin.

Additionally, the Bible has a lot to say about marriage, and it provides many insights into how to be a good husband. Some helpful suggestions could include (but not limited to):

Love your wife unconditionally. This is the most important thing that a husband can do for his wife. Ephesians 5:25 says, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” With empathy, this means loving your wife even when she is not lovable, and even when she makes mistakes.  You’re not always lovable and are imperfect as well, so love out of humility.

Be a provider for your family. This can include working hard to earn an income that can support your wife and children. It also means being wise with your money and making sure that your family’s needs are met. As well, it includes be emotionally and physically available and responsive when they need you.

Be a protector of your family. This means protecting your wife and children from physical and emotional harm. It also means being a strong advocate for your family and standing up for them when they are in need. You can’t do this in your own strength, but must rely on the Lord. Ephesians 6.10-11 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Being a good husband is not always easy, but it is one of the most important roles that a man can play in his life. Through regular prayer, and following the principles outlined in the Bible, husbands can build strong marriages and families that will last for generations.

I would encourage you to read through Proverbs 31.10-31. It is a beautiful description of a godly wife and mother. It is a great reminder of the importance of loving, honoring, and respecting your wife. She is a gift and blessing to you!

Also, take a focused look at Ephesians 5.21-33. This passage of Scripture provides a comprehensive overview of the husband-wife relationship. It is a great resource for husbands who are seeking to be good husbands.

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