4 Restoring Prayers For Separated Couples

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Separations in relationships happen, this is a fact. If you are in Christ you may wonder if this is okay with God, and want to pray about it. God wants to hear from you during this difficult time. 

For a dating couple separation can be a great tool as you decide if you should get married. It can be a time to pray, to grow in your own walk with the Lord, and to learn more about who you are.

Many times being apart will help you realize how much you miss that individual. Other times it may reveal to you that this relationship is not blessed by God and you should end it. 

However, for married couples separation and its intentions should be considered seriously. The world would say that separation is the first step toward divorce. However for a Christian separation in marriage should have a much different desired outcome, and that is for reconciliation. 

Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. 1 Corinthians 7:5 ESV

During a time of separation, we should devote ourselves to prayer with the intention of coming back together. Scripture continues on in this passage to lay out God’s desire that reconciliation is the goal. 

I know that marriage can be difficult. Sometimes we may be tempted to separate for selfish reasons. We need to be intentional in our decision to separate and understand the goal of reconciliation because God’s plan for marriage is for our good. 

It is important that we understand God’s heart for marriage. This union is not a simple relationship we enter into lightly. It is a covenant we make to our spouse and before God, for the glory of God. He wants what is best for us. 

Never forget that God is the best at reconciling relationships. Our sin separates us from God. But He loves us too much to keep us separated from Him. So He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus’ blood atoned for the wrath we deserve and gave us the Holiness that we must have to remove the separation we had from God. 

God reconciles all of His children back to Himself!

The struggles we face in marriage are intended to draw us closer to God and closer to our spouse. As we trust Him in those struggles He will guide us. That is why when we separate we must be in prayer. And to hear from God we must be in His word. 

We are glad that you have chosen to pray about this situation because God wants to help. These prayers will help you begin to pray to God. Our hope is that you will continue to cry out to God in your own words as you use these prayers as a jumping-off point. 

We would love to come alongside you during this time of prayer. Please let us know in the comments how we can be praying for you. 

Short Prayer For Separated Dating Couples

God, you are with me and you go before me. This truth about you gives me so much peace as I pray for this situation. I am currently separated from my girlfriend/boyfriend and I need your guidance on the situation. 

Lord, during this time will you draw me to you? Help me to know you better and to know where you are guiding me. 

Father, I want to trust you through this situation. Help me to not lean on my own understanding but rather understand your truths in a way that I can apply them to my life. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

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Prayer For Separated Spouse

God, I praise you for who you are. You are the one and only God. You are the God who keeps your promises. Thank you for caring for me and for my spouse. 

God, today I’m crying out to you to help my spouse. We are currently separated and I want to ask that you be with him/her during this time. 

I pray that you give (name) clarity to see where you might have them grow. I pray that you open his/her eyes to the area where sin has affected our marriage. I pray that you give him/her the confidence to repent knowing you are a gracious God to forgive. 

God, it would be prideful of me to pray they would see all these things and not pray the same for myself. So will you please search my heart? Help me to see where you are calling me to grow. Help me to have the wisdom to see these areas and the strength to grow. 

God, I pray you help us both to trust you through this time of separation. Give us the ability to pray often during this time and give us a heart to reconcile with each other. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Prayer For Someone Going Through A Separation 

God, I praise you for hearing my prayers. I come before you today for my loved ones. I pray you to hear my prayers and answer them. Do not delay. The world is watching as so many marriages crumble. Restore this marriage for your glory Lord. 

I pray for (name and name) who are separated right now. They have drifted apart. They have avoided for a while now intentional time and intimacy with one another. 

I pray that they would be intentional during this time of separation to restore this relationship. Help them to pray without ceasing. 

God, I ask that they would be reminded of the Gospel. God, you sent your only Son, Jesus to die for our sins. We are all sinful and this separated us from you. By the blood of Christ, you were able to forgive us and instead of being separated, we are now called Children of God! 

Help (name and name) to remember how much they have been forgiven by you and allow them to forgive one another. 

God, I pray that (name of husband) would be a leader in his marriage. Help him to be intentional to connect with (name of wife). Help him to move closer to her and listen to what is on her heart. 

Father, give (name of wife) the comfort and love she desires. I know that only you can fulfill this desire in her life. Help her respect her husband as they work through this relationship. 

God, I pray that the pressures of this world would fade as they seek to find what is important in this world. I pray that they would not be concerned about worldly success but rather be concerned with what concerns you. 

I pray this in your precious name, Amen. 

a prayer for someone going through a separation pin Pin

Prayer For Separation In Marriage

Father, You hold everything in your hand. You are sovereign and all mighty. You know when I sit down and when I stand. The troubles in my marriage are not unknown to you. 

God, I know that many of the struggles in my marriage are because of the sin in my own life. I am prideful and it causes me to reject correction. I value too highly money, things, and security and when these things are challenged I blame my spouse. 

Forgive me Father of these sins in my life that have caused a rift in my marriage. 

My spouse and I have decided that a time of separation was necessary. Help me to make the most of this time. I desire to reconcile with my spouse so help me to work on the things I need to surrender to you. 

I pray that you also be with my spouse as he/she is working out their salvation.

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,  for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. Philippians 2:12-16 ESV

Help us both to remember the mighty work of the Gospel in our lives and how we were only able to be reconciled to you because Jesus died for our sins. Help us to hold fast to your word, especially in our marriage. 

Lord, I pray you bring us closer to you and closer together during this time of separation. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Closing Thoughts

Separations are not easy. For dating couples, it can be a good thing as they make a serious decision about marriage. For married couples, it should be considered as a means to reconcile the relationship. 

If you are in a struggling marriage I am glad you praying. God wants to hear from you. I want to also encourage you to get into God’s word and get closer to Him during this time of separation. Also if your separation is caused by the sin in your life I would advise you to find an accountability partner that can guide you and pray with you during this time. 

We would also love to pray with you. If you just let us know how we can be praying for you in the comment below you can be confident that someone here will be praying for you. You are not alone. 

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